16 Strata gallery
This packages comes with several built-in datasets of geographic strata that are commonly used in NOAA/NMFS surveys. The functions strata_explore()
and strata_select()
were developed to help you explore those built-in options.
Central North Pacific
To acquire the filepath to one of these strata, pass the index (or indices) printed in the map titles above to the function strata_select()
This function returns a named list that can be passed directly to the strata
argument in load_settings()
strata %>% names
[1] "OtherCNP" "MHI"
Lon Lat
1 -131 40.00
2 -126 32.05
3 -120 25.00
4 -120 -5.00
5 -185 -5.00
6 -185 40.00
7 -131 40.00
Lon Lat
1 -156.00 22.00
2 -154.40 20.60
3 -153.50 19.20
4 -154.35 18.55
5 -155.20 17.75
6 -157.00 18.25
7 -157.50 19.20
8 -161.00 21.84
9 -160.00 23.00
10 -157.00 22.50
11 -156.00 22.00